Assess which of the following amendments has had the greatest impact on increasing civil rights. A. Twelfth B. Fourteenth C. Twenty-Seventh D. Twenty-First

The Fourteenth Amendment has had the greatest impact on increasing civil rights.

The Fourteenth Amendment was ratified in 1868 and has been widely interpreted to protect the rights of all citizens, regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. It guarantees equal protection under the law, due process of law, and the right to citizenship for all persons born or naturalized in the United States.

The Fourteenth Amendment played a crucial role in the civil rights movement, as it was invoked to strike down racial segregation and discrimination. It has been used to challenge discriminatory practices in various areas, including education, housing, voting rights, and employment.

This amendment has also been influential in protecting the rights of other marginalized groups, such as women and the LGBTQ+ community. It has been utilized to challenge laws that discriminate based on gender or sexual orientation.

In summary, the Fourteenth Amendment has had a significant and far-reaching impact on increasing civil rights in the United States. It has played a vital role in challenging discrimination and ensuring equal protection under the law for all citizens.