What possible weaknesses Might this aluminum foil, boat design have

Possible weaknesses of an aluminum foil boat design could include:

1. Structural integrity: Aluminum foil is relatively thin and flexible, so the boat might not have enough strength and rigidity to withstand external forces or impacts.

2. Water leakage: Aluminum foil can be prone to tearing or puncturing, potentially resulting in water leakage into the boat.

3. Weight capacity: Aluminum foil boats might have limited weight capacity due to the material's lightweight nature, making them unsuitable for carrying heavy loads.

4. Stability: The boat's shape and design might make it prone to tipping or capsizing in rough water or windy conditions.

5. Durability: Aluminum foil is vulnerable to corrosion, tarnishing, and degradation over time, diminishing the boat's overall durability and lifespan.

6. Heat resistance: Aluminum foil has a relatively low melting point, so exposure to high temperatures, such as direct sunlight or contact with very hot water, could cause the boat to deform or melt.