Deyonne made 25% more cookies than Cameron. They sold the cookies for $0.50 each. Let x represent the number of cookies Cameron made. Which of the following expressions represent possible revenue from the sales. Select all that apply.

0.50(x + (x + 0.25x)]
0.50(x + 0.25x)
0.50(x + 1.25x)
0.50(0.75x + x)
show your work

Let's analyze the problem step by step.

First, let's determine the number of cookies Deyonne made. We are told that she made 25% more cookies than Cameron. So, Deyonne made x + 0.25x = 1.25x cookies.

Next, we need to calculate the total revenue from selling the cookies. We are given that each cookie is sold for $0.50. So, the revenue from selling x number of Cameron's cookies would be 0.50x.

Finally, the revenue from selling Deyonne's cookies would be 0.50(1.25x) = 0.625x.

Now, let's check which expressions represent possible revenue from the sales:

0.50(x + (x + 0.25x)): This represents the total revenue from selling both Cameron and Deyonne's cookies.
0.50(x + 0.25x): This represents the total revenue from selling only Cameron's cookies.
0.50(x + 1.25x): This represents the total revenue from selling both Cameron and Deyonne's cookies.
0.50(0.75x + x): This represents the total revenue from selling both Cameron and Deyonne's cookies.
0.50(1.75x): This represents the total revenue from selling only Deyonne's cookies.
0.50(2.25x): This represents the total revenue from selling only Deyonne's cookies.

So, the expressions that represent possible revenue from the sales are:
0.50(x + (x + 0.25x)]
0.50(x + 0.25x)
0.50(x + 1.25x)
0.50(0.75x + x)