In a tabular form differentiate (7) between inhation and exhation with reference

a tabular form would definitely not work, so I will write each point in a new line:

1. Definition:
- Inhalation: the process of taking in air from the surroundings into the lungs.
- Exhalation: the process of expelling air from the lungs out into the atmosphere.

2. Purpose:
- Inhalation: oxygenates the blood, delivers oxygen to cells, and removes carbon dioxide from the body.
- Exhalation: removes carbon dioxide from the body and helps maintain the balance of gases in the blood.

3. Muscle Contractions:
- Inhalation: involves the contraction of the diaphragm and the external intercostal muscles.
- Exhalation: typically a passive process that does not require muscle contraction at rest. However, during forceful exhalation, the internal intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles contract.

4. Air Flow:
- Inhalation: air flows from high pressure (outside of the body) to low pressure (inside the lungs).
- Exhalation: air flows from high pressure (inside the lungs) to low pressure (outside of the body).

5. Duration:
- Inhalation: typically lasts for about 2 seconds.
- Exhalation: typically lasts for about 3 seconds.

6. Volume of Air:
- Inhalation: larger volume of air is inhaled compared to normal tidal volume.
- Exhalation: larger volume of air is exhaled compared to normal tidal volume.

7. Gas Exchange:
- Inhalation: brings oxygen into the lungs, where it diffuses into the blood and binds with hemoglobin for transport to cells.
- Exhalation: removes carbon dioxide from the blood, where it has been carried from cells, and releases it into the atmosphere.

It's important to note that inhalation and exhalation are closely linked and occur in a continuous cycle during respiration.