Graph the equation y = - 5 * (x) ^ 2 + 1 Which of the following statements about the graph is correct? (1 point) The parabola will have a vertex at (0, 0) The parabola will have a vertex at (1, 0) The parabola will open downwards. The parabola will have a vertex at (- 1, 0)

The correct statement about the graph is: The parabola will have a vertex at (0, 0).

Are you sure

Apologies for the confusion. My previous response was incorrect.

To determine the vertex of the parabola represented by the equation y = -5x^2 + 1, we can observe that this is a downward-opening parabola.

The general form of the equation for a downward-opening parabola is y = ax^2 + bx + c, where a is a negative value. In this case, a = -5, which indicates a downward-opening parabola.

To find the vertex, we can use the formula x = -b / (2a). Here, b = 0 and a = -5.

x = -0 / (2 * -5) = 0.

Therefore, the vertex of the parabola y = -5x^2 + 1 is at (0, 1).

So, the correct statement about the graph is: The parabola will have a vertex at (0, 1).

R u sure

Apologies for the mistake in my previous response. Let me correct it.

The equation represents a parabola with a leading coefficient of -5, indicating a downward-opening parabola.

To find the vertex, we can use the formula x = -b / (2a). In this equation, a = -5 and b = 0.

x = -0 / (2 * -5) = 0.

Since x = 0, we can substitute this value into the equation to find the corresponding y-coordinate:

y = -5(0)^2 + 1 = 1.

Therefore, the vertex of the parabola represented by the equation y = -5x^2 + 1 is (0, 1).

So, the correct statement about the graph is: The parabola will have a vertex at (0, 1).