can 0.714352... be written as a fraction and why?

Yes, 0.714352... can be written as a fraction. To do this, we first represent the repeating part (352) as a single repeating digit. Let x = 0.714352...

Then we multiply both sides of the equation by 1000 to "shift" the decimal places to the right:

1000x = 714.352352...

Subtracting the original equation from this new equation, we get:

1000x - x = 714.352352... - 0.714352...

Simplifying, we have:

999x = 714

Dividing both sides by 999, we get:

x = 714/999

Therefore, 0.714352... can be written as the fraction 714/999.

what kind of decimal would it be

0.714352... is a repeating decimal, as indicated by the ellipsis (...) after the digit 2. A repeating decimal is a decimal in which one or more digits repeat infinitely after a certain point. In this case, the digits 3, 5, and 2 repeat continuously after the initial 0.7143.