Rain was falling steadily. The sparrows huddled under the eaves, or hopped disconsolately along the window-sills, uttering short, ill-tempered chirps. The wind was rising, blowing in quick, sharp gusts and sweeping the forest of rain spears, rank upon rank, in mad dashes against the glass-roofed studio.

paragraph 2,Gethryn, curled up in a corner of his sofa, listlessly watched the showers of pink and white blossoms, which whirled and eddied down from the rocking chestnuts, falling into the windy court in little heaps. One or two stiff-legged flies crawled rheumatically along the window glass, only to fall on their backs and lie there buzzing.

(from ,begin underline,In the Quarter,end underline, by Robert W. Chambers)

Question 1
This question has two parts. Answer Part A, and then answer Part B.

,begin emphasis,Part A,end emphasis,
Which phrase ,begin emphasis,best,end emphasis, describes the mood in Gethryn's studio?

Question 1 Answer options with 4 options
serious and focused

calm and relaxed

weary and upset

idle and bored

Question 2
,begin emphasis,Part B,end emphasis,
Select ,begin emphasis,two,end emphasis, details from paragraph 2 that ,begin emphasis,best,end emphasis, support the correct answer from Part A.

Question 2 Answer options with 5 options
"curled up in a corner of his sofa"

"listlessly watched the showers of pink and white blossoms"

"falling into the windy court in little heaps"

"flies crawled rheumatically along"

"only to fall on their backs"

Part A: The phrase "weary and upset" best describes the mood in Gethryn's studio.

Part B: The two details from paragraph 2 that best support the correct answer are:

1. "curled up in a corner of his sofa" - This suggests a tired and unenergetic posture, indicating weariness.
2. "listlessly watched the showers of pink and white blossoms" - The word "listlessly" implies a lack of interest or enthusiasm, supporting the idea of being upset or dispirited.