Code 135) If a man be taken prisoner in war and there be no sustenance in his house and his wife go to another house and bear children; and if later her husband return and come to his home: then this wife shall return to her husband, but the children follow their father.

Code 195) If a son strike his father, his hands shall be hewn off.

These codes seem to be part of an ancient legal system or code of laws.

Code 135 states that if a man is captured as a prisoner of war and there is no food or sustenance in his house, and his wife goes to another house and gives birth to children, if the man later returns home, the wife must return to him, but the children will stay with their father.

Code 195 states that if a son physically assaults his own father, his hands will be cut off.

These codes likely represent strict social and legal norms that were enforced in ancient societies, aiming to maintain order and discipline within families and communities. However, it is important to note that these codes may no longer be relevant or practiced in modern legal systems, as they might be deemed as harsh or inhumane in contemporary standards.