Examples of food storage facilities at household level

1. Pantry: A pantry is a common food storage facility in households. It is a small room or closet where non-perishable food items like canned goods, dry pasta, beans, and grains are stored.

2. Refrigerator: Refrigerators are essential food storage facilities in households. They are used to store perishable food items such as fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meats, and leftovers at low temperatures to slow down spoilage.

3. Freezer: Freezers are another food storage facility commonly found in households. They are used to store frozen food items like meats, vegetables, fruits, ice cream, and ready-to-eat meals for an extended period.

4. Cabinets and Shelves: Many households have cabinets and shelves in their kitchens or other designated areas where various types of food items are stored. These can include canned goods, snacks, spices, oils, condiments, and other non-perishable items.

5. Root Cellar: Some households have a root cellar, especially in rural areas, which is a cool, dark, and humid storage space. Root cellars are ideal for storing root vegetables like potatoes, carrots, and onions, as well as other produce like apples and squash.

6. Mason Jars and Canisters: Small food storage containers like mason jars, glass canisters, and Tupperware containers are commonly used to store bulk food items like rice, flour, sugar, and other dry goods.

7. Wine Cellar: For households that have a collection of wines, a wine cellar or wine fridge is used to store bottles of wine at the ideal temperature and humidity to preserve their quality and taste.

8. Vacuum Sealers: Some households use vacuum sealers to store food items, especially perishables like meats, cheeses, and leftovers. Vacuum sealing removes air from the packaging, increasing the shelf life of the food and reducing the risk of spoilage.

9. Dehydrators: Dehydrators are used by some households to preserve fruits, vegetables, and herbs by removing their water content. Dried foods can be stored in airtight containers for an extended period without refrigeration.

10. Emergency Food Kits: Some households keep emergency food kits, which typically consist of long-lasting food items like canned goods, high-energy bars, and dehydrated meals. These kits are stored in case of natural disasters, power outages, or other emergencies.