The table below shows the total number of brake pads produced by machines throughout a 12-hour work day.

Hours worked: 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 |
Brake Pads Produced 48 | 98 | 144 | 192

What is the unit rate for brake pads produced per hour?

To find the unit rate for brake pads produced per hour, we divide the total number of brake pads produced by the number of hours worked.

For the first three hours (3 hours), the brake pads produced are 48. So, the unit rate for brake pads produced per hour is 48/3 = 16 brake pads per hour.

For the next three hours (6 hours), the brake pads produced are 98. So, the unit rate for brake pads produced per hour is 98/6 = 16.333... brake pads per hour (rounded to three decimal places).

For the next three hours (9 hours), the brake pads produced are 144. So, the unit rate for brake pads produced per hour is 144/9 = 16 brake pads per hour.

Finally, for the full 12 hours, the brake pads produced are 192. So, the unit rate for brake pads produced per hour is 192/12 = 16 brake pads per hour.

Therefore, the unit rate for brake pads produced per hour is 16 brake pads per hour.