is selling muffins and cookies for a fundraiser. ● The school sold each muffin for $12 and each cookie for $8. ● On Day 1 of the fundraiser the school made $540. ● On Day 1 of the fundraiser the school sold 60 total items. Determine how many muffins and cookies the school sold.

Let's call the number of muffins sold M and the number of cookies sold C.

1) From the information given, we know that each muffin sold for $12 and each cookie sold for $8.
So, the total amount of money made from selling muffins is 12*M.
And the total amount of money made from selling cookies is 8*C.

2) On day 1, the school made $540 in total.
So, 12M + 8C = 540.

3) On day 1, the school sold 60 total items.
M + C = 60.

Now we have a system of two equations:
12M + 8C = 540,
M + C = 60.

We can solve this system of equations to find M and C.

From equation 2, we can rewrite it as M = 60 - C.

Substituting this value of M into equation 1, we get:
12(60 - C) + 8C = 540.
720 - 12C + 8C = 540.
720 - 4C = 540.
-4C = -180.
C = -180/(-4).
C = 45.

Substituting the value of C = 45 into M = 60 - C, we get:
M = 60 - 45.
M = 15.

So, the school sold 15 muffins and 45 cookies.