in the poem Mexicans begin jogging why does the speaker run when the immigration officers raid the factory where he works

The poem "Mexicans Begin Jogging" by Gary Soto explores the experiences and hardships faced by Mexican immigrants living in the United States. In this specific line, the speaker runs when the immigration officers raid the factory where he works for a few reasons:

1. Fear and Avoidance: The speaker runs because they fear being caught by the immigration officers. They are aware of the consequences that come with being an undocumented immigrant, such as deportation or being separated from their loved ones. Running is their instinctual response to avoid getting caught and minimize the risks they face.

2. Self-Preservation: By running, the speaker aims to protect themselves from the immediate danger posed by the immigration officers. It is a survival instinct to escape a potentially dangerous situation, allowing them to avoid being detained and keep their livelihood intact.

3. Previous Experiences: It is likely that the speaker has witnessed or heard of similar raids or encounters with immigration officers in the past, which may have resulted in the arrest or deportation of other undocumented immigrants they know. These experiences could contribute to the speaker's decision to run, as they do not want to suffer a similar fate.

Overall, the decision to run when immigration officers raid the factory represents the constant vulnerability, fear, and uncertainty that many undocumented immigrants face in their daily lives.