Match the graphs in this document (Click Here) to their domain and range below.

* 6 points

Domain: (all real numbers)

Range (y >= 0)

Function: YES

Domain: (x >= 0)

Range: (all real numbers)

Function: NO

in:\ - 3 <= x <= 1 )

Domain: (all real numbers)

Range: (- 2 <= y <= 4)

Range: (all real numbers]

Function: NO

Function: YES

Domain: \{- 7 <= x < 5\}

Domain: \{- 3 < x < 4\}

Range: (- 3 <= y < 1)

Range: (0 ≤y<5)

Function: YES

Function: YES

Without access to the actual document or graphs, it is not possible to match the specific graphs to their domain and range.