Simplify 3.5x3^2+6 divide 3-(3.4+5.8)

First, perform the calculations inside the parentheses:

3.4 + 5.8 = 9.2

Next, simplify the expression:
3.5 × 3^2 + 6 ÷ 3 - 9.2

Next, simplify the exponent:
3.5 × 9 + 6 ÷ 3 - 9.2

Next, perform multiplication:
31.5 + 6 ÷ 3 - 9.2

Next, perform division (from left to right):
31.5 + 2 - 9.2

Finally, perform addition and subtraction:
33.5 - 9.2 = 24.3

So, the simplified expression is 24.3.