what is 2 5/7 - 2/3?

2 3/4

2 1/21

2 1/7

1 3/4

To calculate 2 5/7 - 2/3, you need to have a common denominator. The common denominator here is 21.

Converting 2 to an improper fraction:
2 = 2 * 7/7 = 14/7

Therefore, the expression becomes:
14/7 - 10/21

Subtracting the fractions:
14/7 - 10/21 = (14*3)/(7*3) - 10/21 = 42/21 - 10/21 = 32/21

Converting the improper fraction back to a mixed number:
32/21 = 1 11/21

Hence, 2 5/7 - 2/3 is equal to 1 11/21.