The data table shows the velocity of a car every 10 minutes (600 seconds) for an hour (3600 seconds).

Time (seconds) Velocity (meters per second)
0 0
600 13
1200 13
1800 13
2400 33
3000 6
3600 0
According to this data, in what time interval was the acceleration of the car 0?

Answer options with 5 options
0 to 600 seconds

2400 to 3000 seconds

600 to 1800 seconds

3000 to 3600 seconds

1800 to 2400 seconds

The acceleration of the car can be determined by calculating the change in velocity over a given time interval. When the velocity remains constant (does not change), the acceleration is 0.

Looking at the data table, we can see that the velocity remains constant at 13 m/s between 600 and 1800 seconds. Therefore, the correct answer is option B. 600 to 1800 seconds.