If the length of P is 105ft and Q is 208 and the length is 233 what would the area of the triangle be

To calculate the area of a triangle, you need to know the length of the base and the height. In this case, it is not clear which side is the base and which side is the height. Assuming that the length of P is the base and the length of Q is the height, the area of the triangle can be calculated as follows:

Area = (1/2) * base * height
= (1/2) * 105ft * 208ft
= 10920 ft².

If you assume a different configuration for the base and height of the triangle, please provide more information so that I can assist you better.

Now what is the area of the rectangle use the information from the triangle

To calculate the area of a rectangle, you need to know the length and width. We don't have enough information from the triangle to directly calculate the area of the rectangle. The dimensions of the rectangle could vary depending on how the triangle is incorporated into it.

If you can provide additional information about the dimensions or the relationship between the triangle and the rectangle, I would be happy to help you calculate the area of the rectangle.

Then double 10920 squared

To double a number, you simply multiply it by 2.

10920 squared equals 10920^2 = 119,214,400.

Doubling 119,214,400 would be 2 * 119,214,400 = 238,428,800.

Therefore, double 10920 squared is equal to 238,428,800.

Este pandejo

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