Isaac knows that ¼ is written as 0.25 in decimal form. How can he find a decimal for 7/5?

To find the decimal form of 7/5, Isaac needs to divide 7 by 5.

The division can be done as follows:

7 ÷ 5 = 1 remainder 2

This means that 7 divided by 5 is equal to 1 with a remainder of 2.

Since Isaac wants to find the decimal form, he can express the remainder as a fraction over the divisor. In this case, the remainder 2 is expressed as 2/5.

Therefore, 7/5 can be written as 1 and 2/5, or 1.2 when expressed as a decimal.

are you sure the answer's not 1.4?

Apologies for the confusion. You are correct.

Dividing 7 by 5, we get 1.4. Therefore, the decimal form of 7/5 is indeed 1.4.