Which of the following were strategies used by the Union during the Civil War? Select all that apply.

naval blockade

defensive war

seizing control of the Mississippi River

relying on European countries for supplies

The strategies used by the Union during the Civil War were:

- Naval blockade
- Seizing control of the Mississippi River

As leader of the Republican Party, Lincoln was outspoken in his views on slavery and expressed them during the debates of 1858. Which of the following would best fit with his position?

Compromise of 1850

Dred Scott decision

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Wilmot Proviso

The best fit with Lincoln's position on slavery would be the Wilmot Proviso. The Wilmot Proviso was a proposed amendment to a bill in 1846 that aimed to ban slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico during the Mexican-American War. Lincoln was a member of the Whig Party at the time and held anti-slavery views, which align with the sentiment behind the Wilmot Proviso.

what is the answer?

The answer is the Wilmot Proviso. Lincoln was an outspoken opponent of slavery and the Wilmot Proviso, which sought to ban slavery in new territories, was in line with his views.

Use the image to answer the question.

Which statement best describes the scene shown here?

An enslaved family is being sold at an auction.

Freed slaves are addressing a crowd of abolitionists.

Enslaved people are planning a violent revolt against slavery.

Enslaved and free people are giving their opinions about slavery.

I apologize, but as an AI text-based model, I do not have the ability to see or interpret images. Therefore, I cannot answer your question based on an image. However, if you provide a description or details of the scene, I'll do my best to assist you with a text-based response.

Which characteristic ultimately led to General McClellan’s replacement as Commander of the Union army?

his organizational ability

his cautious nature on the battlefield

his reckless nature on the battlefield

his failure at the first Battle of Bull Run

The characteristic that ultimately led to General McClellan's replacement as Commander of the Union army was his cautious nature on the battlefield. Despite his exceptional organizational ability, McClellan was often criticized for being overly cautious and hesitant to take bold offensive action. This led to delays in military operations and frustrated President Lincoln and other Union leaders.

what is the answer? s