What is JB's character traits in The Crossover Book by Kwame Alexander?

In The Crossover by Kwame Alexander, JB is the best friend of the protagonist, Josh Bell. Some of JB's character traits in the book include:

1. Loyal: JB is fiercely loyal to his friend, Josh. He always supports him, whether it's on or off the basketball court.

2. Funny: JB has a great sense of humor and often brings comedic relief to the story. He uses jokes and witty remarks to lighten tense situations.

3. Adventurous: JB is known for his love of adventure and taking risks. He often encourages Josh to step out of his comfort zone and try new things.

4. Talented: JB is a skilled basketball player, just like Josh. He works hard to improve his skills and is often seen practicing with his friend.

5. Supportive: JB is always there for Josh, providing emotional support and encouragement. He believes in Josh's abilities and pushes him to reach his potential.

6. Caring: JB genuinely cares about his friend's well-being. He shows concern when Josh goes through difficult times and is empathetic towards his struggles.

Overall, JB is a loyal, funny, adventurous, talented, supportive, and caring friend to Josh in The Crossover.