Lilly needs at least $400 to buy a phone. Her mom gave her $60 and she earns $10 a day babysitting her little sister. How many days to reach goal? Write and solve the inequality.

write as a 7th grader

solve it

To figure out how many days Lilly needs to reach her goal of at least $400, we need to set up an inequality.

Let "d" represent the number of days Lilly needs to reach her goal.

Given that Lilly's mom gave her $60 and she earns $10 a day babysitting her little sister, we can write the inequality:

60 + 10d ≥ 400

To solve this inequality, we need to isolate "d" on one side.

First, we subtract 60 from both sides of the inequality:

10d ≥ 400 - 60

10d ≥ 340

Then, we divide both sides of the inequality by 10:

d ≥ 340/10

d ≥ 34

Therefore, Lilly needs at least 34 days to reach her goal of buying a phone.