make a closing statement in one sentence about poverty

In order to build a society that is truly just and equitable, we must collectively address the systemic issues that perpetuate poverty and ensure that everyone has access to basic necessities and opportunities for upward mobility.

make it sound like it came from an 8th grader

In conclusion, poverty is a big problem that we all need to work together to fix, because everyone deserves to have a fair chance at a good life.

make it include something about billionairs helping poverty

So, like, if billionaires stepped up and used some of their wealth to help fight poverty, we could totally make a huge difference and give more people the chance to thrive and succeed.

write one transition sentence that leads to the conclusion

and make it about billionaires and poverty

Furthermore, by recognizing the immense power and influence of billionaires, we can leverage their resources to effectively combat poverty and create a more inclusive society for all.

make it sound like it came from a8th grader

And like, if we all join hands and get billionaires to see how much poverty sucks and help out, we can totally make the world a better place for everyone.

make it formal