What are some reasons you think this evolution may have happened? Check all that applied.

- Environmental changes: The evolution may have occurred due to alterations in the environment that created new selective pressures, favoring individuals with certain traits.

- Survival advantage: Certain genetic variations may have provided a survival advantage, enabling organisms with those traits to outcompete others and increase their chances of reproductive success.
- Natural selection: The process of natural selection may have favored specific genetic mutations or adaptations that improved fitness and survival rates.
- Sexual selection: Mate choice and sexual competition could have influenced the evolution by favoring certain physical or behavioral characteristics in individuals.
- Genetic drift: Random genetic changes, unrelated to environmental pressures, may have become fixed in a population over time due to genetic drift.
- Hybridization: Interspecies hybridization or gene flow between different populations could have led to the evolution of new traits or species.
- Geographic isolation: Isolation of populations, such as through the formation of barriers, may have allowed for divergent evolution and the development of distinct traits or species.