Currently earns $14,000 wants to earn $60,000

In order to increase your income from $14,000 to $60,000, there are a few potential paths you can pursue:

1. Education and Career Advancement: One effective way to increase your earning potential is to improve your education and skills. Consider pursuing higher education, such as a bachelor's or master's degree, in a field that offers higher salaries. This could potentially lead to better job opportunities and promotions.

2. Skill Development and Certification: Identify high-demand skills in your current industry or consider learning new skills that are in demand and can command higher salaries. Obtaining relevant certifications and professional qualifications can also help boost your income.

3. Job Change or Industry Shift: Explore job opportunities in industries or companies that offer higher salary ranges. Research sectors that have a reputation for higher pay scales or consider relocating to areas with a higher cost of living and corresponding higher salaries.

4. Entrepreneurship or Side Hustles: Consider starting your own business or pursuing side hustles that can generate additional income. Starting a successful business requires effort, research, and a solid business plan, but it offers the potential for greater financial rewards.

5. Negotiation and Advocacy: In your current job, focus on negotiating for a raise or bonus based on your skills, experience, and contributions. Highlight your achievements and value to the company during performance reviews or when discussing compensation with your employer.

It's important to remember that increasing your income to $60,000 may require a combination of these strategies. It may also take time and dedication to achieve this goal.