A car travels 2 5/8 miles in 3 1/2

minutes at a constant speed. How far did the car travel in 5 minutes?

To find the distance the car traveled in 5 minutes, we need to determine the car's speed and then calculate the distance it traveled in that time period.

Since we know that the car travels 2 5/8 miles in 3 1/2 minutes, we can first calculate its speed.

To find the speed, we divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken:

Speed = Distance / Time

The distance traveled by the car is 2 5/8 miles, or 21/8 miles.

The time taken is 3 1/2 minutes, or 7/2 minutes.

Therefore, the speed of the car is (21/8) / (7/2) = (21/8) * (2/7) = 21/28 = 3/4 miles per minute.

Now that we know the car's speed is 3/4 miles per minute, we can calculate the distance it traveled in 5 minutes by multiplying the speed by the time:

Distance = Speed * Time

Distance = (3/4) * 5

Distance = (3/4) * (5/1)

Distance = (3 * 5) / (4 * 1)

Distance = 15 / 4

Distance = 3 3/4

Therefore, the car traveled 3 3/4 miles in 5 minutes.