Write a reflection about your learning in this unit. Your reflection should be at least 3 sentences. Use the following sentence starters as a guide.

I feel confident using models is a good way to explore the carbon cycle because...
It is challenging to see the relationships between photosynthesis and cellular respiration because...
Models are useful when studying the cycling of carbon because...

I feel confident using models is a good way to explore the carbon cycle because they provide a visual representation of complex processes that can be difficult to understand through text alone. Models allow for a hands-on and interactive approach, allowing us to manipulate variables and observe the effects on the carbon cycle. This helps in comprehending the intricate interconnectedness of various components involved in the cycling of carbon.

It is challenging to see the relationships between photosynthesis and cellular respiration because they are two separate processes that are inherently interconnected. Initially, it is easy to view them as independent processes without realizing their intricate relationship, where one serves as a supplier and the other as a consumer of carbon dioxide. Their association and interdependence become clearer when studying models that visually showcase the cycling of carbon between these processes.

Models are useful when studying the cycling of carbon because they allow for experimentation and observation without the ecological consequences. By manipulating variables in a model, we can observe the impacts of different factors on the carbon cycle and gain a better understanding of its dynamics. Models also enable us to simulate scenarios and predict outcomes, enhancing our ability to make informed decisions and policy recommendations regarding carbon management and reduction of carbon emissions.