Indicate whether each environmental factor is biotic or abiotic

To accurately determine whether an environmental factor is biotic or abiotic, we need to understand the definitions of these terms:

1. Biotic factors: Biotic factors are living or once-living components of an ecosystem. They can include both plants and animals, as well as microorganisms.

2. Abiotic factors: Abiotic factors are non-living components of an ecosystem. These components include physical and chemical factors that influence the organisms and ecosystem as a whole.

Here are some examples of environmental factors and their classification as biotic or abiotic:

1. Temperature - Abiotic
2. Sunlight - Abiotic
3. Soil - Abiotic
4. Rainfall - Abiotic
5. Plants - Biotic
6. Animals - Biotic
7. Wind - Abiotic
8. Oxygen - Abiotic
9. pH level of water - Abiotic
10. Bacteria - Biotic