a basketball coach collected data to analyze the free throw shooting percentages of players during a game and during a practice. The equation y= 0.9x - 1 is a line of best fir for the data, where x is the practice shooting percentage and y is the game shooting percentage.

Based on the equation, what will be the approximate shooting percentage in a game for a player with a practice shooting percentage of 88?
a 78
b 80
c 86
d 99

To find the shooting percentage in a game for a player with a practice shooting percentage of 88, we can substitute x = 88 into the equation y = 0.9x - 1:

y = 0.9(88) - 1
y = 79.2 - 1
y ≈ 78.2

Therefore, the approximate shooting percentage in a game for a player with a practice shooting percentage of 88 is 78.2.

The closest answer choice is a) 78.