solve the inequality 4x>10. which of the following graphs show the solution

Unfortunately, the options for graphs were not provided in the question. However, I can still solve the inequality 4x > 10 algebraically for you.

To solve the inequality 4x > 10, we need to isolate the variable x. We can do this by dividing both sides of the inequality by 4:

(4x)/4 > 10/4

x > 2.5

So, the solution to the inequality 4x > 10 is x > 2.5 or x is greater than 2.5.

If you have the options for graphs, you can identify the graph that shows the values of x that are greater than 2.5. Typically, it would be a graph that has an open circle or arrow pointing towards the right on the number line, indicating that numbers greater than 2.5 are solutions to the inequality.