Lay down Hank which of the following options best distinguishes between human geography and physical geography

Human geography and physical geography are two branches of geography that focus on different aspects of the Earth's surface. Here is the distinction between the two:

1. Human geography: Human geography primarily focuses on the study of human activities, societies, cultures, and their interactions with the environment. It examines the distribution of populations, settlement patterns, migration patterns, economic activities, urbanization, and social and cultural factors that shape landscapes. Human geography also investigates how humans modify and use the natural environment, such as agriculture, urban development, and resource extraction.

2. Physical geography: Physical geography focuses on the study of natural features and processes of the Earth's physical environment. It explores landforms, climate patterns, vegetation, soils, natural resources, and the physical characteristics of the Earth's surface. Physical geography also studies natural hazards such as earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and hurricanes, and the interactions between different components of the Earth system, including the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere.

In summary, human geography deals with human activities and their relation to the environment, while physical geography examines natural features and processes of the Earth's surface.