(-m)^-3n if m=2 and n=-24

To find the value of (-m)^-3n when m = 2 and n = -24, we substitute these values into the expression.

Substituting m = 2 and n = -24:

(-m)^-3n = (-2)^-3(-24)

Now we calculate the value of (-2)^-3 = 1/(-2)^3:

1/(-2)^3 = 1/(-8) = -1/8

Substituting this back into the expression:

(-m)^-3n = -1/8(-24)

Now we calculate -1/8 * -24:

-1/8 * -24 = 3

Therefore, the value of (-m)^-3n when m = 2 and n = -24 is 3.