2x + 3 + x - 6 = 180. Can you combine the like terms to simplify the equation?

Yes, we can combine the like terms in the equation.

The like terms in the equation are 2x and x.

Combining them, we get:

2x + x + 3 - 6 = 180

Simplifying further, we have:

3x - 3 = 180

what is x?

To find the value of x, we need to solve the equation:

3x - 3 = 180

Adding 3 to both sides of the equation:

3x = 183

Dividing both sides by 3:

x = 183/3 = 61

Therefore, x = 61.

Now, use the value of x from Part B to fill into the angle (2x + 3) and what do you get? What about when you fill x into the other angle (x - 6)?

To fill in the value of x into the angle (2x + 3), we substitute x = 61:

Angle (2x + 3) = 2(61) + 3 = 122 + 3 = 125 degrees.

To fill in the value of x into the other angle (x - 6), we again substitute x = 61:

Angle (x - 6) = 61 - 6 = 55 degrees.