how to indirectly let my gf know I want to kiss her

If you want to indirectly let your girlfriend know that you're interested in kissing her, consider these tips:

1. Body language: Use subtle body language cues to gauge her interest in physical intimacy. Maintain eye contact, lean in closer when talking, and touch her arm or hand gently to gauge her response.

2. Compliments: Pay her compliments that hint at your desire to be closer. For example, you could tell her how beautiful her lips are or mention how much you enjoy her company.

3. Romantic gestures: Create an intimate atmosphere by planning romantic outings or surprises. For instance, plan a candlelit dinner or a cozy movie night, where you can create a comfortable setting for a potential kiss.

4. Flirtation: Engage in light teasing or playful banter to subtly hint at your desire for a kiss. However, make sure it's done in a respectful and consensual manner.

5. Pay attention to her signals: Observe her response to your actions. If she reciprocates with similar signs of interest, such as maintaining eye contact, leaning in closer, or initiating physical touch, it may indicate that she's receptive to a kiss.

Remember, communication is key in any relationship. While indirect methods can be helpful, it's essential to have open and honest conversations with your girlfriend to ensure both of you are on the same page.