Find the balance in the account.

$700 principal earning 2.25%, compounded quarterly, after 6 years

To find the balance in the account after 6 years, we can use the formula for compound interest:

A = P(1 + r/n)^(nt)

A = the final balance
P = the principal amount ($700)
r = the interest rate (2.25% or 0.0225 as a decimal)
n = the number of times the interest is compounded per year (quarterly means 4 times a year)
t = the number of years (6 years)

Plugging in these values into the formula, we get:

A = $700(1 + 0.0225/4)^(4*6)
A = $700(1.005625)^(24)
A = $700(1.148698355)
A ≈ $802.09

Therefore, the closest answer choice is b) $800.87.