How do you know that 5 1/3 is correct

To verify that 5 1/3 is correct, you can convert it to an improper fraction and check if it is equal to or can be simplified further.

Step 1: Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction:
5 1/3 = (5 * 3 + 1)/3 = 16/3

Step 2: Simplify the improper fraction if possible:
Since 16 and 3 have no common factors other than 1, the fraction 16/3 cannot be simplified further.

Step 3: Convert the improper fraction back to a mixed number:
To do this, divide the numerator (16) by the denominator (3), and express the remainder as the fraction:
16 divided by 3 equals 5 with a remainder of 1. Therefore, 16/3 can be expressed as 5 1/3.

This confirms that 5 1/3 is the correct representation of the mixed number 5 1/3.