Review the graphs of a system of these two linear equations and the two variables: y. = 4x- 10 and -2x + 8 find the solution of the system. The solution of the system of equations is?

To find the solution of the system of equations, we need to solve the equations simultaneously.

The given system of equations is:
1) y = 4x - 10
2) -2x + 8

From equation 2), we can rearrange it to solve for x:
-2x + 8 = 0
-2x = -8
x = -8 / -2
x = 4

Substituting x = 4 into equation 1), we can solve for y:
y = 4(4) - 10
y = 16 - 10
y = 6

So, the solution of the system of equations is x = 4 and y = 6.