In your journal, you made up an inequality and solved it. You also brainstormed what it would look like to communicate your solution clearly if your inequality represented a real world problem. In your first post, share your inequality and solution with your peers. Then ask your peers if they can come up with a real-world problem that could be solved using your inequality.

Inequality: 3x + 2 > 10


To solve the inequality 3x + 2 > 10, we need to isolate the variable x.

First, we subtract 2 from both sides of the inequality:

3x + 2 - 2 > 10 - 2

This simplifies to:

3x > 8

Next, we divide both sides of the inequality by 3 to find the value of x:

(3x)/3 > 8/3

This gives us:

x > 8/3

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is x > 8/3.

Real-world problem:

Can someone come up with a real-world problem that could be solved using this inequality?