There are thirty-six people signed up for events at the community center field day. The event leader says the number of people signed up must be above one-hundred-eighty for the field day to happen. People sign up to participate in groups of six. Leann is trying to figure out how many more groups of six need to sign up. She writes the inequality 6x+36 is greater than 180, where x equals the number of groups of six to help figure this out. Solve her inequality. Enter your solution with x first

To solve the inequality 6x + 36 > 180, we first subtract 36 from both sides to isolate 6x:

6x > 180 - 36
6x > 144
Then, we divide both sides by 6 to solve for x:
x > 144 / 6
x > 24

Therefore, Leann needs more than 24 groups of six to sign up for the field day to happen.