Math answers pleease!!

expressions unit test
1. simplify 12- 4 divided by 4/3 + 1
2. The numerical expression (36 divided by 3 x 3) - 8 + 1 is simplified as follows. in which step, if any, did the first error occur?
A. Step 1: (9 x 3) - 8 + 10
B. Step 2: 27 - 8 + 10
C. Step 3: 27 - 18 = 9
D. no error occurred

1. To simplify 12 - 4 divided by 4/3 + 1, we follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS). First, we simplify the division:

12 - (4 divided by 4/3) + 1
= 12 - (4 * 3/4) + 1
= 12 - (12/4) + 1
= 12 - 3 + 1
= 9 + 1
= 10

Therefore, the simplified expression is 10.

2. The numerical expression (36 divided by 3 x 3) - 8 + 1 is simplified as follows:

Step 1: (36 divided by 3 x 3) - 8 + 1
= (36 divided by 9) - 8 + 1
= 4 - 8 + 1
= -3 + 1
= -2

In this case, there was no error that occurred. Thus, the answer is D. no error occurred.