Our middle school is having a fall carnival. Admission into the carnival is $3 and each game inside the carnival costs $.25. Write an inequality that represents the possible number of games that can be played having $10. What is the maximum number of games that can be played?(1 point)

Let's call the number of games played "x".

Each game costs $0.25, so the total cost of playing "x" games is 0.25x.
In order to play any games, you need to have $3 for the admission fee.
So, the total amount of money you can spend on games is $10 - $3 = $7.
Therefore, the inequality that represents the possible number of games that can be played is:
0.25x ≤ 7.
To find the maximum number of games that can be played, we need to solve this inequality.
Dividing both sides of the inequality by 0.25, we get:
x ≤ 7 / 0.25 = 28.
Since "x" represents the number of games, it must be a whole number. Thus, the maximum number of games that can be played is 28 (when rounding down).