What is the GCF of 54x5, 80x3, and 24?

To find the GCF (Greatest Common Factor) of the given numbers, we need to factorize each number and then find the highest power of common factors.

First, let's factorize each number:

54x^5 = 2 × 3^3 × x^5
80x^3 = 2^4 × 5 × x^3
24 = 2^3 × 3

Now, let's find the highest power of common factors:

The common factor is 2^3, which is present in all three numbers.
The powers of 3 and x are different in each number.
Therefore, the GCF of 54x^5, 80x^3, and 24 is 2^3, which is equal to 8.