Grandiose narcissism traits.

Grandiose narcissism refers to a form of narcissistic personality disorder in which individuals have an exaggerated sense of self-importance, require excessive admiration from others, and exhibit a lack of empathy towards others. Here are some key traits commonly associated with grandiose narcissism:

1. Grandiosity: Those with grandiose narcissism often have an exaggerated sense of their own abilities, achievements, and importance. They may constantly seek opportunities to showcase their talents or accomplishments.

2. Fantasies of unlimited success, power, and beauty: They have unrealistic beliefs in their own capabilities and may indulge in daydreams about obtaining extraordinary levels of success, wealth, power, or physical attractiveness.

3. Need for admiration and attention: These individuals crave constant admiration and attention from others. They seek praise, adoration, and recognition and may engage in self-promotion or bragging to achieve this.

4. Entitlement: Grandiose narcissists believe they deserve special treatment, privileges, and recognition solely based on their perceived superiority. They may exploit others to achieve their own goals or satisfy their desires.

5. Lack of empathy: They struggle to understand or relate to the feelings, needs, and perspectives of others. They often disregard or dismiss others' emotions, asserting their own needs and desires as more important.

6. Exploitation of others: Grandiose narcissists may manipulate or exploit others to achieve their own goals. They often take advantage of people's vulnerabilities for personal gain, without showing remorse or concern.

7. Arrogance: They display an arrogant and haughty demeanor, believing they are better than others. They may display a sense of entitlement, disregard rules or norms, and devalue others' achievements or opinions.

It is important to note that these traits exist on a spectrum, and individuals with grandiose narcissism may exhibit varying degrees of severity in each trait.