A sample of organic compound contains 0.624g carbon,0.065 hydrogen,0.364g nitrogen and 0.208g what is the emperical formula of the compound

To find the empirical formula, we need to determine the mole ratio of the elements in the compound.

1. Calculate the number of moles for each element:
- Moles of carbon: 0.624g / molar mass of carbon = 0.624g / 12.01g/mol = 0.0520 mol
- Moles of hydrogen: 0.065g / molar mass of hydrogen = 0.065g / 1.01g/mol = 0.0644 mol
- Moles of nitrogen: 0.364g / molar mass of nitrogen = 0.364g / 14.01g/mol = 0.0259 mol
- Moles of oxygen: 0.208g / molar mass of oxygen = 0.208g / 16.00g/mol = 0.0130 mol

2. Determine the mole ratio by dividing each element's moles by the smallest number of moles (in this case, nitrogen):
- Carbon: 0.0520 mol / 0.0259 mol = 2.01 (approximately)
- Hydrogen: 0.0644 mol / 0.0259 mol = 2.49 (approximately)
- Nitrogen: 0.0259 mol / 0.0259 mol = 1
- Oxygen: 0.0130 mol / 0.0259 mol = 0.50 (approximately)

3. Round off the mole ratio to the nearest whole number to get the empirical formula:

Since we cannot have fractional subscripts in the empirical formula, multiply all the subscripts by 2 to get rid of the decimal:

Therefore, the empirical formula of the compound is C4H5N2O.