Ricky needs $45 to buy a jacket. He has saved $15 and plans to work as a babysitter to earn $5 per hour. Which inequality shows the minimum number of hours, n, that Ricky should work as a babysitter to earn enough to buy the jacket? (5 points)

5n ≥ 45 + 15, so n ≥ 12

5n ≤ 45 + 15, so n ≤ 12

15 + 5n ≥ 45, so n ≥ 6

15 + 5n ≤ 45, so n ≤ 6

15 + 5n ≥ 45, so n ≥ 6

Which unit rate is the lowest price per ounce? (5 points)

Choice A: 10 ounces of chocolate chips for $1.66

Choice B: 20 ounces of chocolate chips for $3.32

Choice A

Choice B

The unit rates are equal.

The unit rates cannot be determined.

To determine the unit rate, we need to divide the cost by the number of ounces.

For choice A, the unit rate is $1.66/10 oz = $0.166/oz

For choice B, the unit rate is $3.32/20 oz = $0.166/oz

Since both unit rates are equal at $0.166/oz, the answer is:

The unit rates are equal.

The table below shows the proportional relationship between the weight of frozen corn, in ounces, and the number of packs of frozen corn:

Number of Packs of Frozen Corn Number of Ounces of Frozen Corn
5 50
6 60
8 80

What is the constant of proportionality? (5 points)





To find the constant of proportionality, we need to divide the number of ounces of frozen corn by the number of packs of frozen corn.

For the first pair of values, 50 ounces / 5 packs = 10 ounces per pack.
For the second pair of values, 60 ounces / 6 packs = 10 ounces per pack.
For the third pair of values, 80 ounces / 8 packs = 10 ounces per pack.

Since all three pairs have a ratio of 10 ounces per pack, the constant of proportionality is:


The price of apples at a farm is $1.99 per pound. Which equation can be used to determine c, the total price of n pounds of apples? (5 points)

c = 1.99 over n

c = 1.99n

c = 1.99 + n

c = 1.99 − n

The equation that can be used to determine the total price of n pounds of apples is:

c = 1.99n

The graph below shows the prices of different numbers of swimsuits at a store:

A graph is shown. The values on the x axis are 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. The values on the y axis are 0, 23, 46, 69, 92, and 115. Points are shown on ordered pairs 0, 0 and 2, 23 and 4, 46 and 6, 69 and 8, 92. These points are connected by a line. The label on the x axis is Number of Swimsuits. The title on the y axis is Price in dollars.
Which equation can be used to determine p, the cost of s swimsuits? (5 points)

p = 11.50 + s

s = 11.50 + p

s = 11.50p

p = 11.50s

Based on the information given, we want to determine the cost of s swimsuits, which is represented by p.

Looking at the graph, we can see that as the number of swimsuits (s) increases by 2, the price (p) increases by 23.

Therefore, the equation that can be used to determine p, the cost of s swimsuits, is:

p = 11.50 + (s/2)


p = 11.50 + (0.5s)

If a sprinkler waters 1 over 18 of a lawn in 1 over 3 of an hour, how much time will it take to water the entire lawn? (5 points)

6 hours

9 hours

18 hours

21 hours