Demonstrating the properties of rotations, if a line segment with endpoints (0,−3) and (0,−7) is rotated 90° clockwise, what is an endpoint of this rotated segment?

A. (0, 7)

B. (−3, 0)

C. (0, 3)

D. (3, 0)

To rotate a point 90° clockwise, we switch the x and y coordinates and then make the new y coordinate negative.

For the first point, (0, -3), the x coordinate stays the same and the y coordinate becomes positive, so the new point is (3, 0).

For the second point, (0, -7), the x coordinate stays the same and the y coordinate becomes positive, so the new point is (7, 0).

Thus, an endpoint of the rotated segment is (3, 0).

Therefore, the correct answer is D. (3, 0).