Apply the Distributive Property and Combine like Terms to generate an expression equivalent to 2(a+5)+4(2a+3)−10 (1 point) Responses 9a+12 9 A plus 12 10a+12 10 A plus 12 12a+10 12 A plus 10 10a+22

To apply the distributive property, you multiply the terms inside the parentheses by the terms outside the parentheses.

2(a+5) becomes 2*a + 2*5, which simplifies to 2a + 10.

Similarly, 4(2a+3) becomes 4*2a + 4*3, which simplifies to 8a + 12.

Now we can substitute these expressions back into the original equation:

2(a+5) + 4(2a+3) - 10
= (2a + 10) + (8a + 12) - 10

Then, you can combine like terms by adding the coefficients of the same variable:

= 2a + 10 + 8a + 12 - 10
= 10a + 12

Therefore, the expression equivalent to 2(a+5)+4(2a+3)-10 is 10a + 12.