How is fingerspelling indicated in ASL gloss?

lowercase letters

In ASL gloss, fingerspelling is indicated by using uppercase letters for each letter of the alphabet that is being fingerspelled. The letters are written without spaces or hyphens between them. Additionally, spaces and lowercase letters may be used to separate different words or indicate specific grammatical features in the sentence.

so which answer is right

I apologize for the confusion. Both answers are correct, but they are separate parts of the ASL glossing system.

- Fingerspelled words are indicated by using uppercase letters for each letter of the fingerspelled word without spaces or hyphens between them. For example, S*T*A*R'S indicates the fingerspelled word "STAR'S".
- Spaces and lowercase letters are used to separate different words or indicate specific grammatical features in the sentence. For example, "H-Y-P-H-E-N-S" would be glossed as "hyphens", with hyphens indicating individual letters and uppercase indicating fingerspelled words. Similarly, spaces and lowercase letters are used to separate and indicate different words or incorporate other grammatical features in ASL gloss.

Overall, ASL gloss is a way to represent ASL signs and structures in written form, and fingerspelled words are just one aspect of this system.

choose one

If I have to choose one, then the correct answer would be that fingerspelling in ASL gloss is indicated by using uppercase letters for each letter of the fingerspelled word without spaces or hyphens between them. This is the primary way that fingerspelling is represented in ASL gloss.