What important fact do the stories of Black cowboys, such as Nat Love and Isom Dart, illustrate?(1 point)


Black cowboys used many skills they learned while enslaved to earn a living as cowboys after the Civil War.
Black cowboys used many skills they learned while enslaved to earn a living as cowboys after the Civil War.

Vaqueros and Black cowboys rarely worked together due to competition for the same jobs, so there is no similarity between their contributions to ranching.
Vaqueros and Black cowboys rarely worked together due to competition for the same jobs, so there is no similarity between their contributions to ranching.

Most Black cowboys were never enslaved and were recruited by ranch owners because of their strong work ethic.
Most Black cowboys were never enslaved and were recruited by ranch owners because of their strong work ethic.

All Black cowboys were once enslaved but made positive contributions to ranching and the cattle industry once they were freed after the Civil War.
All Black cowboys were once enslaved but made positive contributions to ranching and the cattle industry once they were freed after the Civil War.
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The important fact that the stories of Black cowboys, such as Nat Love and Isom Dart, illustrate is that Black cowboys used many skills they learned while enslaved to earn a living as cowboys after the Civil War.

The Cowboy Way of Life Quick check:

1. Cowboys wore several pieces of clothing that helped them against the environment..

2. Most cowboys were dedicated workers who performed variety a jobs..(blah blah)

3. Black cowboys used many skills they learned while enslaved...(blah blah)

4. Anglo cowboys adopted the roping and cattle techniques...(blah blah)

5. Due to westward expansion..(boom)

This was late, but to my overdue people here ya go.