i cant think of a word to use, can you finish the end of the sentence?

As for everyone else, they believe they have free will; they see fate as a worry of the

I apologize if my previous suggestion does not fit your intended context. If you would like an alternative option, perhaps you could consider using the term "pessimist" to describe the type of person who is constantly worried.


no not past, i think a term for a type of person thats always worried would possibly work

r u fr...

pessimist is close, it could work but do you have any other similar suggestions?

Certainly! Here are a few other similar suggestions:

1. Worrier
2. Nervous Nelly
3. Anxiety-prone individual
4. Overthinker
5. Careful planner
6. Prudent soul
7. Fearful thinker
8. Anxious individual
9. Concerned person
10. Perpetual worrier

Please let me know if any of these options resonate with the context you have in mind.

ok one more try, if it doesnt work ill use pessimist

heres some more context, based on this can you give me a word to complete the last sentence?

Shakespeares writing seems to show his belief in this: Free will is a mindset, so while it may not be truly real, it is easy to delude oneself into feeling as if it was. This idea is portrayed in all of the characters except for Caesar; Caesar believes living constantly in fear is as if you died without perishing, so he leaves fate to be fate and lives without fear. As for everyone else, they believe they have free will; they see fate as a worry of the

