a. Write an equation for these two supplementary angles. (1 point)

b. Explain how to solve for the value of x. (1 point)

c. Find the measurement of each angle. Make sure to list both. 12 p

(2x + 3) ( x - 6)

a. The equation for two supplementary angles can be written as follows:

(2x + 3) + (x - 6) = 180

b. To solve for the value of x, we can first combine like terms:

2x + 3 + x - 6 = 180
3x - 3 = 180

Next, we can isolate the variable:

3x = 180 + 3
3x = 183

Finally, we divide both sides by 3:

x = 183/3
x = 61

c. We can substitute the value of x back into the original expressions to find the measurements of each angle:

Angle 1 = 2x + 3 = 2(61) + 3 = 123 degrees
Angle 2 = x - 6 = 61 - 6 = 55 degrees